
Pastor Ken Schurb
1075 E. Urbandale Drive - Moberly, MO 65270
(660) 263-3256

Sunday School: 9 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship Service: 10 a.m.

Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ, and welcome to Zion Lutheran Church’s website!
Zion Lutheran Church is a community of Christ’s people, gathered around the Lord Who gives to us poor sinners the gifts of forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. He comes to us through His Word, through Holy Baptism, and through the Sacrament of the Altar. At the center of our congregation’s life is this worship of Christ Jesus; the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world. By His death He has destroyed death, and by His rising to life again He has restored to us everlasting life.
The Lord has called us out of the darkness of sin and death to live in His marvelous light. We rejoice in the opportunity God has given us to reach out to others with His Word, that they may also receive faith in Him and His love for us in Christ. We invite you to join us as we gather to receive the gifts of the triune God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We hope this website is of help to you in learning more about our church and the Good News of Christ by which we live. Please feel free to email us any questions you may have.Pastor Ken Schurb

Come Join Us!

Directions to Zion Lutheran Church from Columbia, MO

Go North on Highway 63 approximately 30 miles to Moberly
Take the first Moberly exit Highway M
Go West on Highway M 2/3 of a mile
Church will be on your right